The last time I got to spend the 4th with my family was in 2010. My family came out to Iowa to be there to celebrate my 21st birthday with me, so they were there for the 4th as well since my birthday is on the 8th. I did enjoy having them with me, but because it was in Iowa we did some different things than we would have done if we were all back home in California. The last time I was able to spend the 4th here in California with my family was back in 2009, I think. Four years ago. This year is really making me homesick for some reason. Probably because I miss the traditions of going to Grandma's house and swimming in their pool and having most of our extended family there. We would have a barbeque of course, and play games in the grass. Then later in the evening we would go see the firework show at the local community college, or it might have been Cal State Fullerton, not sure. But I do miss that greatly. I do have the hope of being able to spend the 4th with my family again in 2015. I figured out that the 4th will be on a Saturday that year, and if I am still in this same job I should have it off because I usually get Saturdays off!
I am very fortunate to be in the job I am in right now. God has blessed me with a good, stable, and well-paying job that allows me to take time of to travel and take a few vacations! I don't get paid for my time off, but I am fine with that. Speaking of vacations, I am going to Europe on Monday! I am flying out on the 8th, which is my birthday, and will be gone for three weeks. I will be in Prague for two weeks working with and English camp that my church has been supporting for many years. Then I am spending a few days in Rome afterward. So I am getting very excited about this trip. The last time I went to Prague was nine years ago when my church first started going to this English camp. Nine years is a long time. I have always been meaning to and wanting to go in the past years, but I never really had the opportunity or funds to do that until now. I was hoping to go again next year (make it an every 10 year trip ;)) but God provided for my Mom and I to go this year. I had the funds and had not made any previous plans for this summer so I was easily able to be added to the group. My company was so gracious to let me take off three weeks for this trip, I feel so blessed in being able to go.
I am sure that all of this is part of God's plan and I am excited to find out what He has in store for me in Prague. I am going to be an actual teacher this year instead of being a helper, so that has been nerve racking to say the least. But right now I am as ready and prepared as I ever will be with all my lesson plans and pictures ready. I know that I will be relying on God throughout this trip. We have been asked to be ready to give our testimony about why we are Christians and about what God means to us. I don't have a great conversion story or testimony and I am still learning about what God is for me in my life. So I have been nervous about that. I brought that up with my Bible Study leader and she pointed me to 1 Corinthians 2:1-2 where Paul said, "And I, when I came to you brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." I love that. Paul didn't need to know what to say. He only needed to know the truth about Jesus and through that he was able to testify to the Corinthians. So my prayer for this trip is that I will let God do the talking for me, that He will be shown to the Czechs through my testimony of love through my actions. I also pray that God will use this time to draw me closer to Him. I have been resisting His pull, but I want to let go and let God come into my heart completely.
I pray that you will grow closer to the God who is such a gracious and loving God to have sent His only Son to die for us, to pay our penalty so that we might be saved and experience God's love for us. May you have a blessed 4th of July with your family and know that we are greatly blessed to live where we live and to be able to serve and worship God openly. I hope that we will bless Him with our hearts full of gratitude and praise.
Psalm 103:1-5
"Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
who satisfies you with good
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
Bless the Lord, O my soul.