Friday, January 25, 2013

New year, new me

    It is now 2013. A new year has begun and people have made their new year's resolutions, some may be doing well with that resolution, others may have already failed that resolution. For me, my resolution this year is to grow closer to God. I want to have a better relationship with my Lord and Savior and this year I really plan on doing that. I started a 40 day fast 11 days ago. It has been tough giving up sweets, some days I have "cheated" and other days I do really well. But the one thing I am feeling good about through this is my devotional time with God. I have been spending more time almost every day in God's word and in some theological books. I have learned so much about God's love, His faithfulness, His holiness, His justice and His mercy. I have also learned much about my own weakness and my unholiness. I am learning more about what it is to me more like God and to  grow in Him. So through this time of fasting I have seen some growth, and I pray and hope to see more.

    My holiday season was such a blessing to me. I was able to celebrate it with both sides of my family and with friends. It rained a lot but with the rain come rainbows. I was reminded even more of God's love and mercy towards us through the rain, snow and ice (yes we had snow and ice in San Diego). So here are a few pictures of my time with family and friends.

 Our Christmas tree.

Double rainbows!!

New Year's Eve in Los Angeles

Delicious food with family.

 Fun times at the Rose Parade.

Rose parade.

Frost on my car.
"I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth."
Genesis 9:11
P.S. It rained today!  :)

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