Relationships are always an interesting and sticky topic to discuss. But as a Christian I know that God created us to be relational people. We need our different levels of relationships because that is how we are made. As a Christian I look forward to one day meeting that one person that God has created for me. "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him ' "(Gen. 2:18) and that helper was woman. God created us to be together and become one. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh"(Gen 2:24). I do believe this to be true. Though it can be hard for a young, single woman to wait.
I am coming close to the age of 23 now. Five years ago I thought my life would be much different than it is now. I pretty much expected to meet my husband at college, graduate college and marry my husband shortly after. But that never happened. I have never had a "boyfriend" or been in any relationship that had the future goal of marriage in it. I have been in friendship relationships with men that have helped me grow and learn more about myself and what it is I want in a guy. In this day and age, the fact of a single 22 year old woman being single her whole life is rather inconceivable. But for me I am happy that I have not been in any relationships. Now that I look back to when there were guys that I was interested in, I see clearly that I was not ready for a relationship. I was not mature enough. I have grown in that factor, but still believe and will always believe that I need to grow more. God may not have sent me my future husband yet, but I know He is forming and creating that man and me so that we will be who He wants us to be for that other person. I may not be in a relationship now, but am growing to be content in my situation. Yes I do sometimes wish I was in a relationship, but I know that God has a bigger plan for me. But I have hope and "we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts though the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."(Rom. 5:3-5) These few verses have helped me get through a lot and I thank God for that.
Until that day comes when God bring that man into my life, I have built a small list of attributes that I hope to find in my future husband. These are also non-negotiable.
1. A God-fearing Reformed Christian
2. A servant leader with compassion and humility.
3. Be loving, caring and respectful.
4. Be dependable and trustworthy,
5. And be wise in many aspects but especially have wisdom about God's word.
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