So this last week I had a few different things happen to/for me that showed me that the Lord really provides for His people. Last Sunday when I was changing shifts with my co-worker, I breifly mentioned the possibility of changing shifts so that I wouldn't have to work every Saturday. She said she didn't see anything wrong with that because she prefers to have Thursdays and Fridays off. So on Monday I called my boss and asked her about it. She talked with the other caregiver and soon called me back. My schedule has now been officially changed so that I work a live-in shift Wednesday morning through Saturday morning! I was so excited, she even started my shift change that week. So I got to have Saturday off. I was so thankful! It has already been hard not having Saturdays off when a lot of my friends and family do things on Saturdays. With the summer break coming soon for most everyone I know, I knew Saturdays would be a big deal to have off. I wasn't really expecting my boss to even allow it! I am ever grateful to the Lord for that!
On Wednesday, before going to work on Thursday, I was able to have a Skype chat with my best friend Abby. We had a wonderful talk, one that helped us build each other up. She told me about how a couple weeks ago her husbands back-pack had been stolen and it had his keys and wallet in it along with all hig bank cards and ID. They had been having trouble getting all the cards cancelled and were having difficulty proving that one payment was not made by him and that it was a fraud. Abby told me that just earlier that week they were able to get that settled and they are already in the process of getting him new cards and ID. So I was very thankful for that. I remember Abby certainly giving the credit for all this to the Lord.
That Saturday was my first Saturday off. I was able to enjoy it and do some fun stuff, but wasnt sure about that at the start of the day. All day Friday, while at work, I had been cold with the chills and a bad headache. I didn't have anything to let me know if I had a fever or not, but am almost sure that I did. Saturday morning I didn't have the chills, but my head still hurt and I did not feel one hundred percent. I ran a few errands and tried to take it easy that morning. I decided to go to my younger cousins' dance recital that afternoon. Both girls did very well and I really enjoyed watching them. They are seven and nine years old and love to dance, you could tell they were enjoying it. Afterward we all went to their house to celebrate their younger brother's birthday. I stayed for that and enjoyed keeping company with the adults. I may have been the oldest of the cousins there, but all the children there were under the age of ten and were content playing with themselves.
I am very glad I was feeling alright to go with them that afternoon because when I got home I became very sick. I will spare the details, but I was so sick and not feeling well that I was afraid I would not be able to make it to church the next day. But after a surprisingly good night's sleep I felt very good the next morning. I still took it slow and easy, but I did not start feel ill again until later in the afternoon. So I was able to go to morning service, and was also able to teach my sunday school class. I have been absent from teaching that class for the past few weeks and realized how much I missed them. After lunch I wasn't feeling too well, but after I laid down for a few hours I felt good enough to go to the evening service at our church. I feel that the Lord really blessed me and healed me overnight. When I woke up that morning I knew God had healed me because there was nothing I had done that could helped me in that way.
And that's not all of it! I was on my way to work this morning and I got a call from my boss. She told me that my patient didn't need me to come in today but that they still wanted to pay me. I don't know why they would pay me, maybe for being ready, or just because they are generous, but that meant that I had the day off! So I have spent the day cleaning the house and doing some chores that I wasnt sure I would have time for!
The Lord really has been with me this past week. He really has shown me His loving kindness to me. I am ever thankful for that. The Lord showed me a lesson that I needed to be reminded of.
"And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20b
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